Debbie Brewer and her husband Jim lost everything a few days ago due to house fire.. as an organization and community it is up to all of us to open our hearts during this time.

Easing Others Needs & Lisa's Helping Hands will hold a bake sale for the Brewers who lost everything in a house fire.

bake sale

If you are out and about on Sunday (Jan 22), and want to chip in to help the Brewer family get back on their feet, stop by the Tractor Supply and feel free to make a donation.

Information Recap:
Where: Tractor Supply, Livingston, Texas
When: Sunday 22nd of January from 8 am - 5 pm
Come join us in helping them rebuild their lives.
For more info.
Jessica @ 936-252-1757
There is a Facebook event page set up with all the information as well.


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