We're playing a little catch up this week on our Friday Night Frenzy and our Outstanding Drill Team Members of the Week.  A special thanks to Vera Bank for making this feature possible.

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We once again bring the spotlight onto members of the Huntington Highsteppers.  Highstepper of the week for August 30th was Sophomore Chancy Dodd! She comes to practice every day with a great attitude and puts forth 100% no matter what!


Spirit dancer of the week went to Sophomore Kallie Rector! Kallie not only has a great attitude but also pushes others to do their best and lends a helping hand every chance she gets!


Highstepper of the Week for Friday, September 6th was Manager Kaylea Mae Truett. She is such a special part of our team and is always looking for ways to help and encourage the girls!


Spirit Dancer of the week was Sophomore Gabby Reyes. This is Gabby's first year on the team and she is such a joy to be around! Always smiling and putting her best effort into each practice!



If you'd like to inform us of deserving drill team members on this feature, please email me at danny@kicks105.com.

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