
5 Monthly Bills Wiped Out When You Win Cash With Us
5 Monthly Bills Wiped Out When You Win Cash With Us
5 Monthly Bills Wiped Out When You Win Cash With Us
Today is the first day that you've got a chance to win a whole lot of money with us, and this could completely wipe out several of your monthly bills. Like the average car payment that's $515 bucks a month! Wouldn't it be nice to have that gone? There could be a bunch more fun money in your budget soon.
Most Texans Don’t Carry Cash
Most Texans Don’t Carry Cash
Most Texans Don’t Carry Cash
It was fun while it lasted, but finding that surprise 5-dollar bill in the pocket of some old jeans is becoming more rare. Lots of Texans are opting not to carry any cash at all, and if we do have paper money in our wallets it's probably less than $25
Raining Cash!
Raining Cash!
Raining Cash!
Haven't we had enough rain so far in 2015? Nope!  Thanks to KICKS 105, we have a 100% chance of rain every weekday in May....raining Cash, that is.

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