For many, Dungeons and Dragons is practically synonymous with Classic Rock. Every now and then, we get together to roll dice, laugh, and slay beasts on camera.
If you're hitting the road this afternoon, there's one specific 3-hour window where you might find yourself stuck in traffic and wishing you had left earlier. Like yesterday. It's the peak travel time for the entire holiday driving period, and here's the heads up in case you want to avoid it.
It's only been just about 2 weeks since I learned about "Flappy Bird". If you aren't aware, "Flappy Bird" is a game that you used to be able to download for free on your phone, or tablet. The game has been downloaded over 50 million times in just a few weeks. Now it's gone!
Google has revamped it Santa Tracker this year to compete with Microsoft's NORAD Santa Tracker, and it's pretty darned adorable! When Santa embarks on his flight around the globe on Dec. 25, Google Maps will track it, while teaching you a bit about his various destinations. Google reportedly is also releasing a Santa tracking app for Android later in the month. Click "
We have no attention span right now. We want everything quickly, right now, when we want it.
And that means long leisurely board games like Monopoly have decided to change with the times and come out with fast, turbo, express versions of themselves.
Hasbro has decided to take the jail out of Monopoly to speed up the game, since sitting in jail causes one to lose turns and wait to play. What's Mo
The imagination of a young boy inspires a reaction from around the world. Discovered by a California film maker, Caine's Arcade has become a tourist attraction and a more secure future.