Odds are this year that one in every 169 drivers in the US will hit a deer. Those are pretty steep odds, but how will we fair in Texas?

You might be surprised that in Texas our odds are actually a little better than that. The odds Texas drivers will hit a deer in the coming year are 1 in 288. Lower, but a three percent increase from last year. In Texas we rank 38th in the country for deer collisions, up slightly from 39th in 2015. Most of this is due to the fact that our population went up about 20,000 people this year. You would really think that since we are in East Texas that our odds are higher than the rest of the state. If they were to rate just East Texas, I have a thought that our odds are even higher than the rest of the state. I think everyone reading this knows more than one person that has hit a deer at some point. Too bad it's never a 30 point....jokes.

Here are some more fun facts from the people that keep up with this information - State Farm

Top 5 States:

Rank State ’16 Odds
1 West Virginia 1 in 41
2 Montana 1 in 58
3 Pennsylvania 1 in 67
4 Iowa 1 in 68
5 South Dakota 1 in 70

What you can do:
• Use extra caution and slow down in known deer zones
• Dusk to dawn are high-risk times, use high beams when appropriate
• Scan the road and avoid swerving when you see a deer
• Always wear your seatbelt
• Do not rely on devices such as deer whistles, deer fences and reflectors to deter deer; these devices are not proven effective

After-crash tips:
• Move your vehicle to a safe place: If possible, pull over to the side of the road, and turn on your hazard lights. Deer are most active at dusk and dawn—times when you or your vehicle may be less visible to other motorists.
• Call police. Alert law enforcement if the deer is blocking traffic and creating a threat for other drivers. If there is vehicle damage, a police report can prove useful when filing your insurance claim.
• Document the incident. Take photographs of the roadway, your surroundings, damage to your vehicle, and any injuries you or your passengers sustained. Ask witnesses for their contact information.
• Stay away from the animal. A frightened, wounded deer could use its powerful legs and sharp hooves to harm you.
• Contact your State Farm® agent. The sooner you report damage or injuries, the sooner your agent can file and process your claim.
• Don’t assume your vehicle is safe to drive. Double-check that your car is safe to drive after colliding with a deer. Look for leaking fluid, loose parts, tire damage, broken lights, a hood that won’t latch and other safety hazards.

Good information there for sure. I also thought that it would be interesting what the lowest states would be. Taking a look at the bottom reveals that Hawaii has held the title for about 10 years with 1 in 8,765.

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