Wendy’s Misfits Animal Rescue Needs Your Help to win $20K Grant
Whether you realize it or not, you've got a lot of power in your index finger...that's the finger that you usually point with, or, in this case, the finger that you usually use to click your mouse.
Clicking that mouse can directly saves the lives of cats and dogs in the East Texas area. This comes at no cost to you and takes less than 60 seconds of your time.
Recently, Wendy's Misfits Animal Rescue learned that they were only one of six animal shelters in the nation to be chosen to receive up to $20,000 in grants. It's called the Rescue Race, and it's operated by Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and Foundation. The six shelters chosen for this opportunity are located in Harrisonburg, Virginia; Springfield, Missouri; Warren, Michigan; Lisbon, Iowa; Tulsa, Oklahoma, and, of course, right here in East Texas.
It's called a Rescue Race because this is truly a competition. The shelter receiving the most online votes will get $20,000, the one finishing second will be awarded $15,000, and on down the line to $5,000 for the sixth place shelter. Obviously, we want Wendy's to get the top prize of $20K, and as of this writing, voting for Wendy's Misfits has us currently in 2nd place. That's not bad considering we have the smallest population of the six areas represented (Lisbon, Iowa is part of the Cedar Rapids metro).
Animal Aid of Tulsa, Oklahoma is currently in the lead, but consider this: Tulsa's metro population is around half a million people, and yet, we only trail them by a couple thousand votes. So, let's get busy and show those big boys what kind of caring, wonderful folks we have here in Deep East Texas.
Here's the easy step-by-step procedure
- Click on the link to go to the voting site. RESCUE RACE
- VOTE for your favorite Happy Adoption Tale (we would strongly suggest Wendy's Misfits)
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your state and click that you are not a robot
- SUBMIT your vote
- Tell your friends to go do the same!
You may only vote once during the entire period which closes on July 25th.
According to their website, Wendy's Misfits Animal Rescue is based out of Lufkin and is focused on helping end abandoned, abused neglected animals and the overpopulation of cats and dogs within the area. The grant money will be used for veterinary care as well as spay and neuter procedures to help prevent the number of abandoned puppies. Every fur baby deserves a chance to be part of a loving family!!
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