Most of the areas here in Deep East Texas have implemented some form of "Stay At Home" order. This is something that many people aren't used to, which is forcing them to entertain themselves, all while staying at home. My question is: What are you guys doing to pass the time during quarantine?

Are you...


  • Diane Macdonald
    Diane Macdonald

    Playing Board Games?

    Monopoly, Sorry, Life, etc. Are you playing more games with the family?

  • Jack Taylor
    Jack Taylor

    Building Things?

    Are you letting your creativity take over? Legos, anyone?

  • Christina Richards
    Christina Richards

    Working On Your House?

    Lots of people are deciding to catch up on their house that you?

  • Jupiterimages

    Working From Home?

    Lots of people have had the ability to move their office to their house. Is this you?

  • alphaspirit

    Doing Something Else, Not Listed?

    Is there something else that you're doing to pass the time? Feel free to mention it in the comments below!

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