What Should Go In The Old T-REX-S On North Street?
When I was growing up, T-REX-S was always a big deal in Nacogdoches. Tractors, side-by-sides, etc. They were always a big name in Nac. Just a few years ago, they changed their name to Big Tex Agriplex and moved out on the loop on Old Tyler Road.
This move left the original T-REX-S building vacant, and it's - basically - remained that way. I think it may have had a political party campaign headquartered in it at one point, but don't quote me on that.
It's still a pretty cool building though, and it seems a shame that it's vacant. So, that's when the gears started turning. What should go in the old building? A few of my thoughts are below:
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Whether you're a kid or an adult, this could be awesome to the city of Nacogdoches.
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Apple Store
Any Apple Tech fans out there? I mean, it'd be a rather large store, but well worth it, right?
- 3
Toys R Us
This is another one that you don't necessarily have to be child to enjoy.
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No justification needed.
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I mean, c'mon. Tell me this wouldn't be an awesome, AWESOME thing in Nac.
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Waffle House
Because who doesn't want breakfast at 3 AM?
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Donut Shop
Just kidding. I think Nac has reached the maximum number of those already. 10 is plenty.