It's time to recognize our KICKS 105 Friday Night Frenzy Band Members of the Week, brought to us by Citizens National Bank.

For the Lufkin High School Marching Band, the band members of the week are:

Sarah Hassan is a senior trombone player and section leader.  Sarah is band member of the week because of her dedication to serving her section.

Lufkin Spots
Lufkin Spots

Jacob DeVore is a senior drumline member.  He is band member of the week because he is consistent and reliable.

Lufkin Spots
Lufkin Spots


The Huntington High School band member of the week is Mr. Logan Landry. Logan is a freshman saxophone player for the Red Devil Band. He is always giving 100% in every rehearsal and performance. His willingness and drive this week is what makes him the band member of the week. Way to go Logan!

logan landscape



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