
East Texas Zoos Grow and Expand
East Texas Zoos Grow and Expand
East Texas Zoos Grow and Expand
The zoo in Lufkin just added a rare baby animal.  And in Tyler, a big expansion is making progress and should be finished this spring. Our zoos in East Texas may not be the biggest in Texas, but they're unique, interesting, and they keep on growing.
Longhorn Fans Spent a Ton on Booze This Football Season
Longhorn Fans Spent a Ton on Booze This Football Season
Longhorn Fans Spent a Ton on Booze This Football Season
Texas football has a huge fan base.  And Aggies, you do too, but hold up before you start wanting to beat Texas at this little competition.  We can't decide if it's a good thing to have these bragging rights. Longhorn fans had a record-setting year for alcohol sales.  Wait til you see how much!
Texas Is Better Than Your State
Texas Is Better Than Your State
Texas Is Better Than Your State
God bless the United States of America. There's 50 of 'em. Each having their own unique contribution to the melting pot that is our great nation. But let's be real about something here, folks. Unlike all men, which our nation's Constitution declares to be created equal, not all states are created equal...

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