Wednesday evening, June 26, 2024, Ramiro Gonzales was put to death for the sexual assault and murder of 18-year-old Bridget Townsend.

After reading several articles about Gonzales and watching the video below, I believe that he was fully remorseful for what he had done, and I believe that Gonzales was a changed man. He brought Jesus into his heart and tried to bring His message of peace and love to other inmates.

Despite all this, Gonzales was guilty of this heinous crime, and his justice which was handed down over two decades ago, was executed on Wednesday evening.

When he was asked if he had any final words, here is what Ramiro Gonzales said before his execution in Huntsville, Texas:

(via tdcj) Yes ma'am, to the Townsend Family, I'm sorry I can't articulate, I can't put into words the pain I have caused y'all, the hurt what I took away that I cannot give back. I hope this apology is enough. I lived the rest of this life for you guys to the best of my ability for restitution, restoration taking responsibility. I never stopped praying for all of you. I never stopped praying that you would forgive me and that one day I would have this opportunity to apologize. I owe all of you my life and I hope one day you will forgive me. I'm sorry. Patricia, I'm sorry. David, I'm sorry. To all your family I'm sorry. I just want you to know I love you guys and I lived the best that I could to give it all back. To my family, my friends thank you for all the support every decision I made everything I said in this penal system was based on how it will reflect on you guys. And Bridget, I lived my life for you guys. I love all y'all. To the administration, Warden Dickerson, Hazelwood thank you for being so courageous for making decisions to make this penal system better. You guys are also my goal. Its why I've been better. Giving me the responsibility and the opportunity to become responsible to learn accountability and to make good. Continue to fight the fight especially in your faith. God Bless you all. Warden I'm ready.


These Texas Fugitives and Sex Offenders are On the Run From Police

These are the 14 most wanted fugitives and sex offenders in the State of Texas for the month of June.

Gallery Credit: Texas Department of Public Safety

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