It is such a wonderful and refreshing thing to see when area students pay tribute to our area military men and women on Veterans Day.  Last year, I had the honor to broadcast from an event that was presented by the students and faculty from the Groveton ISD (check out some of the pictures below). This year, I'm going back again.

On Wednesday, November 10Groveton Independent School District will be providing a free drive-through lunch for any Veteran and their spouse or any Active Military Personnel.  This will be taking place in the GISD bus line from 11:00am to 1:00pm. This is open to any Veterans or military personnel in the area, it's not restricted to just those with ties to Groveton students and faculty.

In years past, guests have been invited to come inside the cafeteria to enjoy their delicious meal, however, given the times and the abundance of attention given to safety protocols, the means will be served in a drive-thru fashion. The latest forecast shows a slight chance of showers later in the day on Wednesday, so it looks like the weather should cooperate with this year's event.

Groveton ISD chooses to host their event near Veterans day but never on the day that it is observed because many Veterans have obligations on Veterans Day and are unable to attend. According to Jim Dillard, administrator at Groveton ISD, on of the best things about this day is that their students have really taken ownership of this event.  Students are given the opportunity to write and create works of art to express their patriotism, which are featured at the event.  All food is prepared by Groveton ISD employees and culinary art students. So many at the school and in the community are proud of what these students accomplish to make this day possible.

Thanks again Groveton for doing this for our Veterans, we'll see you there with KICKS 105.


Groveton ISD Veterans Event

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