How Many People Have Had a COVID-19 Vaccine in Each Texas County
According to updated statistics provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services, 3,463 persons in Deep East Texas have received their first dose of one of the COVID-19 vaccines that are being distributed to vaccine providers throughout the area. That number includes:
- Angelina - 987
- Nacogdoches - 928
- Cherokee - 534
- Houston - 237
- Polk - 225
- Jasper - 143
- Tyler - 132
- Shelby - 84
- Trinity - 64
- Sabine - 57
- Newton - 37
- San Augustine - 35
Statewide, 377,050 persons have been vaccinated with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 789,925 doses have been received by vaccine providers across Texas. As of January 3, only one Texas county (Loving) has not reported anyone receiving a vaccine.

The Texas Department of State Health Services is providing a daily snapshot and interactive county by county map of persons who have received one and/or both of the vaccines.
Several thousand doses of vaccines have been made available to vaccine providers across East Texas, however, these vaccines are being rolled out in a way to make sure that frontline healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities receive the vaccines first. This is considered the 1A stage of the rollout. The 1B stage includes
- People 65 years of age and older
- People 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
- Cancer
- Chronic kidney disease
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies
- Solid organ transplantation
- Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher)
- Pregnancy
- Sickle cell disease
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Your ability to get a vaccine today or this week will depend on vaccine availability at your provider’s office, clinic, or facility. Also, some providers may vary as to whether they are in the 1A or 1B phase of the rollout. Please call ahead to your provider.
Click here to find out the locations in your area to which doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been shipped.
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