Army Specialist Cory Joseph Bertrand of Center, Operation Enduring Freedom; Army Sergeant First Class Todd Clayton Gibbs of Lufkin, Operation Iraqi Freedom;  Army Captain Bernard F. Milford, Nacogdoches, WWII...

...these are just a small sampling of East Texas soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and way of life.

During this time of the remembrance, KICKS 105 and McWilliams and Son Heating and Air Conditioning salute those men and women who perished while in active military duty.  Listen throughout the day through Memorial Day Monday as we specifically honor those who gave the 'last full measure of devotion' to our country.

If you know of someone with East Texas ties who should be included, please send me an e-mail at   Please include name, hometown, branch of service, rank, and during which conflict he/she perished.

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