Lufkin Graduate Named as One of the Three Texas Aggie Drum Majors
This fall, when these words reverberate on the Texas A&M campus,
"Now forming at the North end of Kyle Field..."
One of the three drum majors leading the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band onto the field will be a young man who used to do his marching on John Outlaw Field at Abe Martin Stadium for the Lufkin Panther Marching Band. Kyle Rayburn, a 2019 graduate of Lufkin High School, has been chosen to be one of three drum majors for one of the most storied and renowned college marching bands in the country.
A Society Ethics and Law Major, Rayburn (seen on the far right in the above photo) will soon be entering his senior year. He has played sousaphone (bass) for his first three years in the Aggie Band. He also performed Tuba with the University’s Wind Symphony.
He credited his love for performing and much of his musical success in College Station to his High School and Middle School directors and clinicians.
"I was very excited when I learned that Kyle had been named as one of the drum majors for the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band! Kyle was a tremendous leader for us in the Lufkin band program and is as hard a worker as I have ever been around. I have sent my congratulations to Kyle and his parents, and I wish him the best in this new role. I know he will do a great job," said George Little, Lufkin Panther Band Director.
“When it comes to high school military-style marching bands, Lufkin Is known by many, even here at A&M, as among the best,” said Rayburn.
Kyle’s Mom, Leslie, spoke fondly of how Kyle attended his first football game in Aggieland when he was in 3rd grade.
“Kyle was fascinated by the Aggie Band, those bass players, and the drum majors. He wanted to know what he needed to do to be a part of that. We told him to make good grades and excel in the high school band. Kyle did the work and it paid off,” said Leslie.
Besides participating in Texas A&M marching and concert band programs, Kyle was a member of the Fish Drill Team and is currently a Ross Volunteer. Both organizations conduct Marine Corps-style silent rifle drills. The Ross Volunteers serve as the Texas Governor’s official honor guard. Kyle said his marching band experience in high school gave him a real head start compared to cadets without a military-style marching background.
“Fish year was hard and every year after got better. I’m in no rush for my time in the Aggie Band to end. I want to soak it in and continue to make memories,” said Kyle.
Kyle is the son of Leslie and Steven Rayburn.
We can't wait to post a video from this upcoming Fall season.