
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
You Do This 134 Times Every Day At Work
In addition to checking email every six minutes and switching back and forth among thirty applications, we do this one thing 134 times every day at work without even thinking about it. This right-click maneuver is so routine, we really could do it in our sleep.
Texans Are Short on Free Time
Texans Are Short on Free Time
Texans Are Short on Free Time
If you feel like you're constantly on the go with very little downtime, you must be a Texan. When it's broken down state-by-state, Texas is in the top ten for hours worked. And we're not very good at vacationing.
Does Texas Have Too Many Sitting Jobs?
Does Texas Have Too Many Sitting Jobs?
Does Texas Have Too Many Sitting Jobs?
First of all, thank you for listening at work. You know I love you and consider you to be a fantastic co-worker and it's with your well-being in mind that I say what I'm about to say. If your job requires you to sit, it could kill you. This is a lil scary!
East Texas Poll – What Is Your Go-To For Killing Time?
East Texas Poll – What Is Your Go-To For Killing Time?
East Texas Poll – What Is Your Go-To For Killing Time?
We all have those days...the days where we actually get all our work done, and there's no more real work in sight. This generally happens towards the end of the week as you're wrapping everything up, getting ready for the weekend. My question to you is, what is your preferred method of keeping yourself occupied?

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