This Week’s Friday Night Frenzy Drill Team Members of the Week
Friday Night Frenzy is here, and finally, it feels like football weather. It's time to recognize our KICKS 105 Drill Team Members of the Week, brought to you by Citizen's National Bank.
Let's start with Huntington. On September 28th, the team voted for Senior Taylor Davidson as Highstepper of the Week and Senior Courtney Green Spirit Dancer of the Week. Both girls are four year members and such hard workers! We appreciate their dedication to our organization day in and day out!
Next up, let's go to Livingston for the Emerald Belles. Spirit Girl of the Week for week 6 is CHLOE SEMONS. Chloe is a three year member and has an effervescent personality that helps keep the team motivated. Dancer of the Week for week 6 is HOPE COLLINS. hope is a two year member and is a line sergeant. She constantly tries to improve on what we learn and is always willing to help others on the team. As an officer, she is a natural leader and is a wonderful role model for the team.
And now, it's time for a shout out to Diboll. The Dazzler of the week is Kayli Cole! Her hard work and dedication shows each week.
Finally, for the Hudson Highlights of the week. The Hudson drill team performs at the Apple Springs home football games.
Senior Eady Busbice- Eady has stepped up to be a wonderful leader on our team. She is consistently building up moral and pushing everyone to be the best they can be! Freshman Katie Vandover- Katie always has a positive attitude with a smile on her face! Her work ethic is evident during each and every practice.
Congrats to our Drill Team Members of the Week compliments of KICKS 105 and Citizen's National Bank.
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