Toys for Tots in Desperate Need of a Local Building to Store Toys
The Toys for Tots program is getting into high gear as we move into October. This is the time every year when Brian Crews and the rest of the Marine Corps Reserve and numerous other volunteers start the process of collecting toys for those less fortunate children in our communities. Crews has been the coordinator for the Toys for Tots chapter that serves Angelina and Trinity Counties for more than the past dozen years.
In 2020, over 8100 toys were distributed to nearly 1900 children. That's a huge undertaking that requires a lot of work...and space. Obviously, you need to have a rather large area to store all these toys as well as to conduct the operations of sorting and distributing these toys. This is where we have a major issue.
For years, the National Guard Armory in Lufkin served that purpose very well for Toys for Tots. However, a few years ago, the situation changed and that left Brian Crews searching for another place to be 'toy headquarters'. Thankfully, a local businessman stepped up and allowed the Toys for Tots organization to use a building that was on the market to be sold. The building which previously was used as a gymnastics center became the home that year for the collection of toys.
After Christmas that year, that building was sold and Toys for Tots continued their nomadic quest for a seasonal place to harbor their operations. Thanks to the kind hearts of folks in the area, Brian Crews and his staff have had various buildings to use to collect the toys, however, this year, the search continues.
So, here we are, starting the toy drive that could amass up to 9,000 or more toys, and at this time, there is no place to put them. If you know of anyone who may have a building available in the Lufkin area that's at least 4,000 square feet in size, there are some Marines that would love to talk to you.
Here are some great perks:
- You'll be an integral part of answering the prayers of so many kids and parents
- Great Karma - the last few folks that have stepped up have ended up finding buyers for their property shortly after the holidays
- This is not a freebie on your part, the Marine Corps Reserve is not asking for the space free of charge
- We will say wonderful things about you on the radio, even give you free advertising for the building that you're trying to rent or sell.
If you have some information that would lead to filling this need for the local Toys for Tots program, please contact Brian Crews at Toys for Tots at this link.
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads
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