Weekly Outstanding Drill Team Members Recognized
It's time to recognized our KICKS 105 Friday Night Frenzy Drill Team Members of the Week sponsored by Citizens National Bank.
On October 19th, the Huntington Highsteppers recognized Freshman Kallie Rector as Highstepper of the Week.
Freshman Kiersten Whitaker is Spirit Dancer of the Week.
Both girls make drill team one of their priorities each day. They are team players and dedicated to practicing and performing to the best of their ability! Congratulations girls!
The “pink out” Dazzler of the Week was Senior Tinsley Mercer. She gives 100% all the time, helps and mentors others, and always has a sunny outlook. Her hard work, experience, and dedication makes her a stand out dancer!
For the Livingston Emerald Belles, Spirit Girl for week 7 was Macie Rogers. She always has a smile on her face and motivates her team to always do their best. Dancer for week 7 was Hailey Jordan. As a first year Belle, Hailey works hard to perfect her performance each week. And always with a smile!
Spirit Girl for week 8 is Julia Pulley. Thanks to Julia's great attitude and dry wit each week, she keeps the team motivated as well as in stitches!
Dancer for week 8 is 1st Lt. Autumn Gann. Autumn is a good leader and always takes time each week to work with the girls.
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