Woden 4th-Grader Coaches SFA Ladyjacks to Impressive Victory
It seems to be a solid fact that great things happen when K.K. is in your corner. The Woden 4th-grader who is battling rhabdomyosarcoma was recently the star at our KICKS 105 St Jude Radiothon, and thanks to her lending a 'Face of Hope' to our efforts, we were able to raise over $105,000 to help kids beat cancer.
Then, Wednesday night, at the SFA Pink Game, K.K. was asked to be the honorary coach for the Ladyjacks in the battle against Central Arkansas. Every year, this Pink Game is held to bring awareness to the battle against breast cancer as well as to honor those who have battled the disease and kicked its tail. Even though K.K. is not battling breast cancer, SFA Ladyjack Head Coach Mark Kellogg and his staff wanted to have her courtside throughout the game as honorary coach...and that appears to have been Coach Kellogg's best call of the night.
Perhaps you've heard of the legendary Coach K at Duke, well, check out Coach K.K. at SFA. Facing a team that they only beat by 6 earlier in the season, the Ladyjacks used K.K.'s good vibes to handily defeat Central Arkansas 79-43. SFA never trailed in the game and every Ladyjack who suited up scored points. If K.K. had been eligible to play, she probably would have scored, too, given her determination. As the game ended and the Ladyjacks circled the floor high-fiving fans, it seemed only appropriate that SFA's most recent addition to the 1000 point club, Chanell Hayes, would hoist K.K. and carry her around the coliseum floor.
I mean, that's what you're supposed to do, right..carry your coach off the floor after a big victory?
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