Change can be hard. That's why lots of people avoid it. However, change is necessary. And yes, change even comes to the radio station.

Over the past few months, there have been several things change at the station. We've changed some of our programming strategies (don't worry about details, as they're very technical), we welcomed a new market president all the way from Detroit, Mr. Ishmael Johnson, and - the most recent set of changes - we have started our transition [FINALLY] into the 21st century.


New furniture! Everybody, or most people, like the idea of new furniture. So, as you can see, our administrative assistant gets a new desk. As you can see, this is much more updated than the old desk (left in the picture above).


You probably noticed the two guys working in the ceiling. Well, those guys are from G&G Lock and Safe Co. in Nacogdoches, and they're hooking us up with a brand new security system. We are going high-tech, and it's going to be awesome!


This is a long overdue change, and it's going to be great. Be looking for more changes in the near future!

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