As hard as it is to believe, we are now less than three weeks away from Christmas 2019. Everyone is already getting their shopping done, their lights and decorations up, and - a rather big part of the season - getting their travel/stay-home plans in order.

And that's where we are today. I'm just curious to see if East Texans travel for the Christmas holidays, or if they stay home. Or, if you're like me, you might do both. I tend to find myself traveling for a bit, AND staying at home for a bit, too.

Where do you fall in the spectrum? Do you find yourself on the road heading to relatives for Christmas traditions? Or do you have relatives and friends heading to your house for the holidays? Or - the question you already knew was coming - are you going to do a bit of both this year?

You don't even have to type out your answer here. I've made it easy for you. Check out the poll below, and let us know what kind of Christmas you have in store this year!

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