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  • Free Texas Vehicle Registration
  • Free Licence Plates
  • Military Service Members

If you were/are in the military, you deserve special treatment, and we all thank you for your service. There are a select few in the military who went above and beyond for our country and get extra compensation.

Legislators in Texas recently passed an expanded list of acceptable military medals that qualify for free Texas license plates and lifetime registration. This will allow certain vehicle registration fees to be waived.

Military service members and retirees who have received one of the listed medals will be provided a free set of license plates, and some vehicle registration fees will be waived, as long as they register that vehicle in the State of Texas.

See If You Qualify For Free Vehicle Registration For Life In Texas 

Now that more medals have been added to the list, more veterans will qualify for this benefit. Here is the list of those specific decorations according to the Military Officers Association Of America, El Paso Chapter.

Air Force CrossAir Medal
Air Medal w/ValorAirman's Medal
Army Distinguished Service CrossBronze Star
Bronze Star with ValorCoast Guard Medal
Defense Meritorious Service MedalDefense Superior Service Medal
Distinguished Flying CrossDistinguished Service Medal, Air Force
Distinguished Service Medal, ArmyDistinguished Service Medal, Coast Guard
Distinguished Service Medal, Department of DefenseDistinguished Service Medal, Department of Homeland Security
Distinguished Service Medal, Department of TransportationDistinguished Service Medal, Navy
Legion of MeritMeritorious Service Medal
Navy and Marine Corps MedalNavy Cross
Prisoner of War MedalSilver Star
Soldier's MedalSurviving Spouse

Only one waiver per individual will be given, even if they have had multiple eligible metals.

20+ Deals For Veterans and Active Duty Military For Veterans Day

LOOK: 100 years of American military history