Temple Intermediate in Diboll Welcomes Danny Merrell
Since the start of the school year, we've been featuring recorded greetings from area teachers and school faculty on the Merrell in the Morning Show. Before school even started, I had gone to various school districts such as Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Woden, Central Heights, and Hudson to record these greetings. And...I'm on a quest to collect even more.
A special thanks to the teachers and faculty at H.G. Temple Intermediate in Diboll who invited me out on Thursday morning to record their various greetings. Even the principal and assistant principal were included.
If you'd like for me to come out to your school, please shoot me an e-mail at dannymerrell@townsquaremedia.com or just leave a message on our KICKS 105 Facebook Page and I'll be happy to arrange a time to record some greetings at your school.
In the meantime, be listening around 7 a.m. and again around 7:25 a.m. for our teacher shout outs!
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