Angelina College in Lufkin Presents Awards to Faculty and Staff
Fall classes for Angelina College will start on Monday, August 28. This year marks the 55th birthday of the home of the Roadrunners.
To kick off the new year, the college held its annual opening ceremonies that began on Monday. It all started with Monday’s Convocation, with Huntington Independent School District Superintendent David Flowers speaking and it culminated on Tuesday with Angelina College's Faculty and Staff Awards Luncheon.
Service awards for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service were presented, and other members received Faculty/Staff Excellence awards.
Service Awards:
Five-year service awards:
Donna Busler, Anthony Stargill, Le’Anne Alexander, Austin Clark, Odessa Vinson, Joshua Currie, Kim Capps, Lou Ann Williams, Esther Campbell, Jerry Mosley, Daryl Brown, Timothy Hollis, Randall Holland, Dudley May, Michael Sandlin and Phylicia Brown.
10-year service awards:
Anna McReynolds, Dr. Andrea Barrett, Dawn Shapaka, Kelli Kirkpatrick, Dr. Tom McKinney, Veronica Hendry-Clegg, Casey Hanna, Jacquelyn McClain and Wayne Dubose.
15-year service awards:
Ashley Nair, Jennifer Baldauf, Casey Davis and Kirk Stephenson.
20-year service awards:
Kary Raine, Jason Lankford and Jennifer Ragsdale.
25-year service award:
Lori Feldpausch.
Faculty/Staff Excellence Awards:
Faculty Excellence in Service Award:
Dr. Carrie Geisbauer
Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award:
Kelly Ward
Outstanding Teaching Award:
Charles Oliver
Distinguished Faculty Award:
Jason Lankford
Outstanding Program, Department or Discipline Award:
Student Disability Services; Renee McCain (Manager)
Spirit Award:
Remona Boodoo-Frye
Rookie Award:
Claudia Valladares
Leadership Award:
Dr. Esther Campbell
Distinguished Staff Member of the Year Award:
Dr. Winifred Ferguson-Adams