Danny Merrell to His Wife on Their 30th Wedding Anniversary
God's Gentle Push Through a Door
A little over 31 years ago, God presented a door for me to open. I was distracted by other events going on in my life, so I did not open the door.
A few weeks later, He gave me a second chance. That door was once again put before me, only this time, God placed his almighty hand on my back and gave me a gentle, yet forceful push through that door.
It was as if He was saying, "Yes, Danny, you do have Free Will, but...you'll thank me later."
What Was Behind the Door
Glenda Tharp was on the other side of that door. I knew I was attracted to her, but I didn't realize how much my life and soul needed her...yearned for her. Obviously, God did.
Danny & Glenda Get Married
On April 23, 1994, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Merrell was introduced to the congregation at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Nacogdoches, Texas. Right now, Grammarly is letting me know that my singular verb (was) is not a correct match for the plural nouns.
Not this time, Grammarly. On that day, Danny and Glenda became one.
Looking Back
The past 30+ years with Glenda have been a beautiful blessing. It would take months for me to record all the wonderful things she has brought into my life.
She has given me boundless joy and peace. I thought I had a great relationship with Jesus, she showed me how to make it stronger and brought me closer to Him. Glenda not only filled my heart with love, she made my heart bigger.
Bishop Barron says love is 'to will the good of the other'. That's my wife. From her family and friends to her students to a stranger looking for a hand up, she takes action to bring good to others.
What I have said about my wife in these past few paragraphs is only a drop of water in the ocean of beauty that she has brought to my life. Thank you for allowing me to walk through your door.
Thank you, God, for showing me the door...and the push.
Danny Merrell's daughter gets married in Cancun
Gallery Credit: Danny Merrell
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