Danny Merrell's 30th Wedding Anniversary TributeDanny Merrell's 30th Wedding Anniversary TributeGod showed Danny a door of opportunity and love, and gave him a second chance to walk through itDanny MerrellDanny Merrell
Beautiful Blessing From An East Texas BusinessBeautiful Blessing From An East Texas BusinessA flat tire in the middle of nowhere led to a beautiful blessingDanny MerrellDanny Merrell
Want to Hear Something Funny? My Dad Passed Away Last WeekWant to Hear Something Funny? My Dad Passed Away Last WeekI write this not to stir up controversy but to promote loveDanny MerrellDanny Merrell
Help for a rescued birdHelp for a rescued birdKICKS 105's Danny Merrell is looking for help after his daughter rescued an injured baby bird.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Is This the Last Stand Alone Pay Phone in Lufkin or Nacogdoches?Is This the Last Stand Alone Pay Phone in Lufkin or Nacogdoches?Don't see many of these around any more - a free standing pay phone.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Why is There So Much Anger Now Instead of Love and Compassion?Why is There So Much Anger Now Instead of Love and Compassion?We need to find the truth, and malicious anger is not part of the solution.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Danny's COVID-19 TestDanny's COVID-19 TestI have heard the horror stories of the 'deep swab', now it was time to experience for myself. Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Danny's First Days of SchoolDanny's First Days of SchoolKICKS 105's Danny Merrell shares some pictures and stories of himself from his days in grade school from some 50 years ago.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Spring Break at Notre DameSpring Break at Notre DameDanny Merrell share his family's photos of the Notre Dame Cathedral from 2011.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Unconditional LoveUnconditional LoveKICKS 105's Danny Merrell shares a video of how his family's rescued dog shows her unconditional love. Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Danny Merrell's Strange 'Throwback Thursday'Danny Merrell's Strange 'Throwback Thursday'In the process of going through his mom's keepsakes, Danny Merrell discovered some items that have made for an interesting 'Throwback Thursday'. Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
Carrie Gives Danny Merrell Inspiration to Reveal ScarCarrie Gives Danny Merrell Inspiration to Reveal ScarBecause of what Carrie Underwood has been through due to her recent accident, KICKS 105's Danny Merrell now has the courage to talk about his own scar. Danny MerrellDanny Merrell