Seeing the colors red and white around the Groveton school campus is a very common site, but this weekend, there will also be a lot of Blue and Grey.  

The 3rd Annual Battle of Blackjack Grove Civil War Weekend will be taking place February 16th-18th.  Although the Battle of Blackjack Grove is fictional, the history and heritage of the city of Groveton is steeped in the War between the States.  Groveton was founded by soldiers that had fought in such legendary battles as Gettysburg.

Civil War re-enactors from the 3rd Regiment of Texas Cavalry along with others will play the roles of infantry soldiers, artillery gunners, cavalry, medical corps, civilians, and others.  In addition to the Battle of Blackjack Grove, visitors will also be able to observe Civil War period encampments, firearms of all sorts used in the Civil War including cannons, horse-mounted cavalry and artillery units, open fire cooking by soldiers, period vendors, plus modern vendors with your festival-type food.

Friday is dedicated to school day.  Hundreds of students from area counties are scheduled to visit the grounds.  Re-enactors will hold demonstrations on weapons, clothing, food preparation, and camp living.  Other demonstrations will include weaving, soapmaking, blacksmithing, woodworking, and more.  Students will especially enjoy participating in the 'mid-day skirmish'. Each student will receive a free ticket which will be good for Saturday or Sunday entry.

Saturday night, a 19th Century Period Ball will be held in the Old Gym at Groveton Elementary School.  There will be door prizes plus contests for the best costume.  The Battle of Blackjack Grove will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday and at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday.  Tickets for the event are $5 for adults, and $1 for students.


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