Lufkin Police Blotter – Fake Names and Foul Mouths
It has been another interesting past 24 hours for the Lufkin Police Department. From heading into oncoming traffic, to lying about your name, to cussing when you shouldn't, here are some of the more interesting blotter stories as reported from the LPD.
Solona Carroll, 38, (above left)was arrested after a Walmart shopper reported seeing a woman "pick a lock" on a vehicle, get in and drive away, causing the alarm to go off. An officer caught up to the suspect vehicle in time to see it make a wide turn into the oncoming lane of traffic and then continue on, the wrong way. The officer stopped Carroll in the Wendy's parking lot. She had an open beer can, still cool to the touch in her vehicle. She told him she was not intoxicated on alcohol but was intoxicated on marijuana. She also had an Adderall in her vehicle for which she could not prove she had a prescription.
Quivary Hill, 26, (above, right)was arrested on a warrant following a vehicle accident. He attempted to lie about his name, but eventually admitted his true identity. On a side note, I don't remember seeing a happier mug shot.
Nekeba Lee, 33, (below) was arrested for disorderly conduct - language after he shouted profanities across an apartment parking lot during an argument with his girlfriend. The officer warned Lee to stop cussing multiple times, but he would not.
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